Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Field Trip: To the Library

One of my friends is nineteen now, loves to read but doesn't have a library card when she lives two minutes from one! So yesterday we made a trip there and got her one. I made her drive since I only had a vauge idea as to where this library was. I thought we were going to die and it wasn't just because her car dates to 1991.
The building that the library is held in is more than 100 years old and use to be a school. It was really nice and had that library feel to it (You can learn about the library's history here). One would think that this library would be huge but it isn't. It's just the top floor of the building. It was actually a little bit disappointing. But for me and my friend, it's better than driving twenty minutes to the better library.
Afterwards we went to the pizza parlor next door which was really nice.


Conny said...

Cool post about your local library! You've inspired me to post about libraries I've been to (that impressed me) on my blog. Old libraries are the best. :>)

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