Lately I've been digging through my crafty roots and decided to set knitting aside for crochet, the first yarn art that I learned. I couldn't begin to tell you how long ago I learned but it's been years since I've really done anything with it.
I learned from my mom how to crochet at every young age. Beginning with making scarfs and baby blankets. However, that has been the extent of it. My edges were always untidy and uneven. Eventually I gave up and didn't crochet for a long while. Meanwhile I took up knitting a year ago and just a few weeks ago crochet was back into my life.I still consider myself a beginner because of my tendencies for uneven edges.
Crochet is really my comfort zone. One does not need circular needles and such to crochet in a circle, just the hook that you need. You're more flexible how you create your work where as knitting is very constrictive, at least what I know of it.Above, Max is modeling the scarf I made. The pattern's from Stitch 'N' Bitch: The Happy Hooker by Debbie Stroller (e-mail me and I'll be happy to send you a copy of the pattern if you're interested).
This is the market bag that I started. The pattern's from All you need to do to get the free pattern is sign up. Instead of using Lion Brand yarn I used Lily Sugar'n Cream yarn. It's nice a strong and works very well with the pattern. If you use this yarn for it buy three or four balls of the solid color. It's still a lot cheaper than using the recommended yarn. If you make this bag make sure you read the reviews for some tips.
My next project will be this throw. I can crochet it up nice and quick before winter gets here!
What are your current projects?
Nice scarf. Just finished an afgan - Christmas present (want to make all my gifts this year) I like the market bag, think that will be my next project.
I love that Max will model for you! Such a patient dog. :>) I haven't crocheted since I was a young girl, but it seemed to produce a result faster than hours of knitting. This winter I will be enjoying the hat you knitted (the one that I won on your blog) - it's going to look great! Anyone who asks about it, I'll tell them that YOU made it. :>)
No projects in progress right now. I have projects lined up, as usual something always comes up. I have some fabric waiting to have skirts made. That may not happen as soon as I'd like because I've become distracted at the thought of taking a Knitting 101 class at a local yarn shop - Sept 16 & 23. If I make anything appreciable from the class, I'll send you a picture. :>)
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