Ever wonder how many daipers babies will use in their life time or how much milk you will drink? Then this is the documentary for you. This film is about the footprint humans leave on the earth, mostly about garbage, and it's effects on the environment. It follows two youngsters throughout their lives and shows with numbers and visual how much of a footprint you leave. Nevermind about your carbon footprint or how long things would take to break down. Not even a synopsis of how to solve this problem about garbage.
In the first segement they show you how many diapers babies use and say how many gallons of water you would use washing reuasables. But which is better? Who knows they don't tell you.
To me, this film was only a start of a better film on the human footprint all we need to know is how to reduce it.
2 of 5 stars for get statistics and examples but it feels incomplete and sort of demonicizes humans.