Friday, June 17, 2011

It's been awhile...

Hey everyone! I know that it's been awhile but my priorities have changed for the moment. I think I've hit my early twenties crisis. I'm being pulled in all sorts of directions.
Part of me says go back to school and become a domestic historian.
Part of me says travel the world. Germany, England, Italy. Sigh.
Another says stay where you are and don't let anything remove you from this place.
Out of the three, the first two are reasonable. The third requires less work. Yeah, I am a bit lazy
For the past three months or so I've been battling with weight issues. For those of you that found me via Mrs. Q's blog you're probably thinking "What?" Yes, I've been dealing with being overweight for most of my life which only contains 20 years. That has been my focus lately. Not gardening (although it would actually help), not creating a imaginative homestead. But it's about me and knowing that my body is hurting and needs some attention. Seriously. Thankfully, I'm headed in the right direction. In three months I've lost over thirty pounds which has made me VERY active even though I have a lot more to go.
The original goal for this blog was to revert to a more made from scratch life which still stands. That's the ultimate goal. But for now, the main goal is to get back to nature and enjoy the warm summer on buare skin and the smell of sun.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Crafts for Under $1

I found this really neat craft site called dollar store crafts. There are a lot of very interesting crafts in here! Take a look yourself!
My favorite section is the $1 and under section that features a lot of recycled crafts.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Blog Award

Hey everyone! I'm hoping you're having a happy new year! The other day I received the versitle blog award from Penpal from Northeastern Colorado!
But it has strings attached! Here are the strings:
1. Be sure to thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Share seven things about yourself
3. Pass the award to other bloggers who you think deserve it
4. Be sure to let the bloggers know you chose them to receive the award

Here's my 7 things!
1) I love getting mail and haven recently rented a P.O. Box as my Christmas present to myself.
2) Homesteading has been an on and off relationship.
3) I'm excited to start sewing with my new sewing machine.
4) I want to go to college but I'm afraid that I don't remember anything from high school.
5) I really think I need to socialize with people some more and not shut them out.
6) I have several crushes but am not in a relationship and never have been.
7) I have had the same digital camera since 10th grade, 5 years ago. It still works!
Now it's my turn to send this off. The award goes to The Mobile Homestead Woman! She's so talented she deserves it!